Wednesday, February 09, 2005

**Why Oregon Rocks: Reason #1**

Shield Laws. Yes, shield laws. Oregon is one of those states that actually seeks to protect journalists. Of course in a perfect world such protection might not apply to people like Geraldo Rivera, but the definition of journalist has never been a perfect one.

And I just want to get on the record that our federal government (you know... the one that was, at one time in our history, emboldened to constitutionally protect freedom of the press) DOES NOT have a federal shield law on the books.

Now why would I be thinking about shield laws? So glad I asked. I am contemplating, as is true to my style, the worst case scenario with the most recent edition of the my son's independent newspaper. The lead story discusses the use of marijuana at the high school. Big surprise! But there are enough powerful quotes both identified and anonymous, that may attract the interest of....

1) a principal who may still be stinging from my son's generally noncompliant attitude towards stupid rules, abuses of power and the general cowardness that seems to permeate high school staff and administrators.

2) a district attorney who may, after getting wind of said article, decide it would be easy to intimidate young high school journalists into revealing sources of quotes and the identities of people in certain photographs.

Well people, guess what. We got rights in this here Oregon. No one is getting near these kids if I can do anything about it. Let's hope it is a non issue. Stay tuned....

Other states with shield laws:
  1. Alabama
  2. Alaska
  3. Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. California
  6. Delaware
  7. Illinois
  8. Indiana
  9. Kentucky
  10. Louisiana
  11. maryland
  12. Michigan
  13. Minnesota
  14. Montana
  15. Nebraska
  16. Nevada
  17. New Jersey
  18. Mew Mexico
  19. New York
  20. North Dakota
  21. Ohio
  22. Oklahoma
  23. Pennsylvania
  24. Rhode Island
  25. Tennessee
And the First Amendment Center reports that there are 31 total, plus the District of Coloumbia. Wait! That is a majority of the states in this country! Hey, feds! Can you take a hint!?

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