Wednesday, February 02, 2005

**My son's life: the mystery unfolding**

I woke up this morning absolutely convinced that my son was cutting himself off at the knees for deciding to go to Italy for the rest of his senior year instead taking his AP classes, college classes, editing his underground newspaper, and applying for a gazillion scholarships to help offset the obscene debt that one incurs procuring a college degree.

But then I managed to seek out the counsel of one much wiser and saner than I. A wonderful conversation with another colleague and beleaguered parent of boys, helped me ground my insanity about this whole thing.

So in a brief moment of rationality here is what I think about his plans:

I think going in the summer is a better choice, but going to Italy is most important of all. The kid will be alright. He is simply trying to pull away - not an easy thing to do in a single parent household that was pretty close knit.

The bottom line is that I think I did a decent job raising this kid I need to take some comfort in that. I have been the main adult influence on him for his entire life. I have to have faith that the foundation is there. He will certainly make mistakes and make poor choices - God knows I did - but those choices will just lead in new and interesting directions. I need to think of it as a mystery I get to watch unfold.

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