Thursday, February 10, 2005

**When will he grow up?**

No, I don't mean my son... he is growing up just fine with all the burps and bumps of a normal young man figuring things out, I guess. The one I am truly worried about is my son's father. According to his birth certificate, he is 45 years old. The tone of his emails suggest he is about 12 - that perfect age where a one feels a complete sense of entitlement, harbors illusions that one knows everything, is completely defined by the term "self absorption," and rants in a letter that is unnervingly riddled with spelling mistakes.

I remain astounded at his inability to
  • ask an understandable question,
  • frame an letter without blaming me for everything,
  • understand that one gets further with a request by being nice and
  • realize that there is a spell check function on most emails.
I am looking into ways to block his email address and simply insist that all correspondence come from his attorney. Maybe he will tone it down a bit.

I watched Heather Armstrong talk on ABC World New Tonight about being "dooced." Now you know why this site is anonymous. Additionally, I am not interested in a libel suit, although almost everything I write about is opinion. Thank you, First Amendment.

My daughter told me today that a young man she knows at college committed suicide last night. My heart just aches at the thought. Be at peace.


Randy B. said...

Love reading your blog posts. You are very insightful, and I have you saved in my fav blogs. Keep up the humor and strong will!

Someone on the cusp... said...

Thank you Randy B. Read your profile, it is amazing that I don't horrify you with every post. A tribute to your openmindedness, maturity and general tolerance for my rantings. Please don't arrest me.