Monday, February 07, 2005

**110 days until summer vacation**

Not the kind of heading you want to see from a teacher. But what can I say? I love being a teacher, it is just the teaching that is tough. Hey, it is hard work. First day of the semester and I have back-to-back meetings until noon. Tomorrow I get to enjoy a two hour admissions meeting and then I teach until late afternoon. How hard can that really be, right? God, if a public secondary teacher saw this posting, I would be innundated with hate mail.

But let us not forget a few things. They didn't have to go to school for 24 years and spend most of their working life paying off the graduate student loans that piled up on top of the undergraduate student loans. They don't have to work on numerous committees that are invariably a massive time sink because they operate like all things academic - slowly and inefficiently. They don't have to write AND publish in order to keep their job. And best of all, they make more money than most of us in higher education.

Still, they deserve daily medals for surviving the secondary school experience. I won't want their job for any salary. It is deadening.

Well done for the day with job one. Now home to job two. Thank god laundry is done.

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