Saturday, August 22, 2009

**Post Surgery Limerick**

The upside of getting cut open
Is the reward of seriously good dopin'
Pain free stupor got sacked,
With a stomach so wracked,
So I limp through the house just a mopin'

Friday, August 14, 2009

**There is a reason why some things are free**

I was given the most delightful gift from #1 son this week - a Kindle.

I learned rather quickly that I live in a bubble - free of irritating electromagnetic waves that would allow me to take advantage of the wireless downloading of Kindle books. So I must either walk down the road about a 1/2 mile or take the Kindle to work and let stuff download there. So it won't be subscribing to the NY Times, but I have downloaded a bunch of "sample" chapters to try before buying the books.

I also learned that there are Kindle books available for free. So I grabbed a freebie - just to see if I like reading on this device (I do). Now I understand why the book was free - it was a Harlequin Romance. You get what you pay for. And now I am willing to pay. Next step: learning how to delete books off the Kindle.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

**Thumbing One's Nose at the Hamptons**

Okay, this is NOT how it is done.

The NY Times published an article and slide show today of a house on Long Island that is decorated as a response to the excesses of the Hamptons. Lots of vintage stuff - a "schoolhouse" look, if you will.

The article stated, "The schoolhouse décor, which incorporates elements like linoleum, mop sinks and graffiti-covered classroom chairs, is their “tongue in cheek” way of countering “the excess we were seeing in the Hamptons."

Interesting idea, but give a looksee at the slide show and the incredible prices they paid for furniture and accessories. If one pays $1300.00 for a floor lamp or $3500 for a wall sconce, or $510 for some industrial metal shelving, or $1500 for 8 vintage classroom chairs, this is NOT thumbing your nose at the Hamptons. Just because it is not "overstuffed couches or antiques," does not mean it is still not insanely excessive or low maintenance. You want to thumb your nose at the Hamptons, then shop at Goodwill (and not the one in the Hamptons)!