Thursday, May 26, 2005

**A PhD means you get to sit on the OTHER side of the desk on days like this**

While my students toil and sweat over their final exam, I sit here and... blog.
Love wireless classroom connections and long lasting laptop batteries. I also love being on this side of the desk because I hate taking exams. (So why the hell am I planning to start law school in a year when the ENTIRE grade is based on ONE EXAM!)

I have a crapload of grading to do before noon tommorrow when senior grades are due. I have blown off much of my work over the past two weeks spending time with M., mostly because we both knew that live will change dramatically with summer kicking in. For us it will mean less flexible time together as he has his kids during the week and is free on weekends. My kids will be around on weekends and away during the week. Oh well.

The weather here is hot, hot, hot! I hate hot weather. I had to spend 30 minutes watering plant in mine and my neighbors yard.

I just rejoined my local health club. It was long overdue as evidenced by the difficulty of my first workout. Everything I did trainingwise in Michigan is lost. Writing my book really ruined my conditioning. Ironically, I will likely spend all my royalty money on health club dues to recover from the physical toll the book took on my body. Certain karmic irony there.

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