Friday, May 13, 2005

*Monday we will learn if there is a God**

One and off in this blog I have, to put it frankly, griped about my excuse-for-an-ex-husband and his narcissistic effort to squirm out of supporting the kids in college as he promised in the settlement agreement and under oath before a judge.

Well, mediation hasn't worked and his attorney, being of the litigious variety, is pushing for a court hearing. She is asking to modify the settlement agreement in such a way that it largely releases him from any obligation once child support ends halfway through my son's freshman year (And I won't even get into the abysmal proposal for child support that is offered).

The ex's attorney is taking this stand because of an outrageous Colorado Appellate Court decision that determined, completely contrary to plain statutory language, that a promise of this type in a settlement agreement could be reduced to what otherwise would be paid in child support.

Furthermore, requests to reduce contribution to college expenses would not require showing a change of financial circumstances. That appellate court decision pretty much left me with nothing.

The judge assigned to this case insists that we do a phone conference with her first. That is coming up in a little over two weeks.

In the meantime, I have talked to an attorney and was informed that the ex's attorney neglected to mention the appellate decision was on appeal before the Colorado Supreme Court. Oral arguments were heard in late Janauary and the decision was due anytime. Well.... the Court announced the slip opinion will be out on Monday. I know what I will be doing that morning.

Stay tuned and learn if there is a God.

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