Monday, April 09, 2007

**That's what I get for...**

...updating my blog template. All my customization is lost and the width has changed mashing my images together (see two entries down). I can barely find time to post these days, let alone recustomize my blog. Oh well, one sleepless night and I should be able to get to it. In the meantime... lots of conversation generated among bloggers (whose links USED to be on me blog, matey) about the trip to Australia. If it is anything like Ecuador, E. should do a bang-up job as tour guide (and probably go crazy with all of us and the concurrent mayhem and bedlam that seems to follow us when we travel). At least she won't have to play group translator.... The trip must include a visit to a place like this....

1 comment:

Becca said...

I've always wanted to go to Tahiti. I was googling pictures of the south pacific all night last night!