Monday, June 19, 2006

**Bridal shower observations**

1. There was only one game; it involved answering questions about the bride-to-be. I got 14 out of 20, which would have gotten me a nice prize, but someone took it before I could act. It is for the best anyway, because to actually leave a bridal shower with a gift, especially one won in a bridal shower game, would have ruined my credibility as a bridal shower curmudgeon.

2. My gift rocked.

3. I might have to have a bridal shower some day for the following reason:

After seeing the loot, it occurred to me (as I dropped some big bucks on a 1/2 share kayak and equipment) that if I married the guy with whom I will be timesharing this kayak, we could have done a bridal shower and just registered for all this at REI. As a result, I am officially softening my cynical views on bridal showers in principle - that is, assuming REI has a registry.

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