Tuesday, May 23, 2006

**It's beginning to look a lot like summer**

Well not by the weather which is more like early March, cool and raining. Although that is my personal assessment of what the weather is like. The weather folks say this is typical May weather. In fact we have had only half the normal rainfall this month. And I was just getting used to the 7 consectutive days of sunshine.

But I am writing my last final exam for the year. It is nearly impossible to concentrate. I am sure I want this week over more than my students. I have four study sessions to hold, one exam to finish preparing and then between now and noon Friday I have two exams to administer, grade and about 50 papers to grade. I can do this, because summer awaits me.

Even better, this Saturday awaits me. On that day, after grades are turned in, but before the drudgery of sitting through graduation ceremonies, I get to hike a very popular trail in the Columbia Gorge region, called Eagle Creek. It will take some time to get there, but it is, apparently, worth the drive. And my hiking partner is a nice gentleman that I met at a student's graduation party (who would have guessed such a place would be a potential source for a date). He was the nicest looking guy in the room by my reckoning and my student's mother introduced me to him. In all fairness, he had been the subject of conversation before, although I had never seen him until this party. My student had mentioned that I should meet him, because, in her words, he and I would have a lot in common.

We both apparently don't like Bush - the foundation of all great relationships.

I wonder if eHarmony.com has built that into their extensive personality profiling questionnaire?

1 comment:

Leann said...

I hope you have an awesome time at Eagle Creek. I've never been but have heard of it.

Bush haters huh? Hmmm....let's see how it goes and maybe E-harmoney should take note..hehehehe