Tuesday, May 19, 2009

**You can't saddle a horse that ain't been born yet.**

I have been contacting and thanking those people who provide advice and/or support during this promotion process and one of my dearest friends, who has listened to me angst in one way or another since we were in Ph.D. studies together, responded with his good wishes and his typically sage, Tony Hillermanesque advice.

I was talking to him about the pending insanity this summer with leadership changes at the school and the incredible staffing shortages I face because of budget cuts while simultaneously having to plan for a record breaking freshman class.

His advice (note that he is happily retired from a position similar to mine) is the title of the post.

1 comment:

Leann said...

I will have to take that advise to heart and keep it in my repitoire of sayings :-)