Monday, May 11, 2009

**Does this count as a sabbatical?**

After a long respite, I am emerging from the abyss and thinking about the blog. Many, many times I have thought to post, and when the opportunity would come along to craft something, there was no time. I had pretty much given up posting - and I still might. I tried some less work intensive social networking options - Facebook and now Twitter - but I hate the new organization of Facebook, so I hardly go on it anymore. Twitter is still new so I don't know how it might fit into the way I work.

So the school year is largely done yet I face the prospect of working just as hard all summer. After all the angst over this country's private schools have a dearth of freshman next year, we - meaning where I work - managed to pull in the largest freshman class in the history of the college. It may take a hotel to house them all! So my summers now looks to consist of me wandering downtown trying to hire anyone who 1) is holding a camera and 2) is breathing.

Looks like the intensive traveling will subside for now. After AUS and NZ, spent 8 days in the Death Valley area followed by a long pre-swine flu weekend in the Yucatan. Now I am in LA - interviewing job candidates for a couple days, and quickly learning that everyone drives here - really, even if it the destination is a 5 minutes walk. My longest foray on foot has been from the apartment to the parking lot.

My one celebrity sighting? Honestly, I didn't know I was looking at a celebrity at the time. Someone had to tell me afterwards. Yes, my celebrity sighting: A woman with unnaturally large breasts, I mean bowling ball size and shape. I cannot tell you anything else about her physical attributes, as all I could see were breasts. Turns out she is a well known porn star. But I don't know how to IMDB her to find out her list of credits. You can't search using key words like "enormous boobs."

1 comment:

Leann said...

I always thought if I saw a celebrity I would not recognize them. They look so different without all the makeup and hair stuff.

It is SO good to see you back and I hope you choose to stay in touch somehow, somewhere.

Good luck with your recruiting efforts.
