Monday, September 01, 2008

**Under Pressure**

Given that my promotion file is due in less than 24 hours, this seemed like a good time to update my ring tone to the classic Queen song. It was the first music video I ever saw, not that that has anything to do with anything, except maybe allowing my to digress even further from the deadline looming before me.

Looks like, given those who are able to accompany me on the "down under" adventure, the south island of New Zealand is the front runner for a week of avoiding the real world.


Leann said...

Another mug please? $$ for this and the last one is on the way. Thanks bunches!!

Someone on the cusp... said...

No money please. These are gifts. Always.

Leann said...

Thank you!! You are too kind. I totally don't mind supporting my mug habit :-)

Becca said...

How come we haven't seen any pictures from the LAST trip yet??? :)