Monday, April 21, 2008

**Spring and the Office Window**

While it is the 21st of April and the trees have not yet fully leafed out, the grass IS greening and forsythias are blooming. At least in town. The view out the office window is improving with all the sunshine. I think the view of the lake will be more obscured when the trees are full of leaves. When I squint I can see sail boats on the lake. Nice.

Then there is the fact that I miss E. more and more each day. It is time for her to come home. I hung the Ecuadoran weaving she gave me. It goes nice with the Starbucks yellow on my office walls.


Rosie said...

looks like a nice office. I particularly like how the buddhist prayer flags blend in with the post-it notes overhanging your shelf :)

Leann said...

It looks like you have a very nice view, and while the trees may obscure the lake once they appear, it will be a beautiful site in and of itself.