Tuesday, September 18, 2007

**I am back because tomorrow is a very important day**

Taken from a student news forum which really covers all one needs to know:

Wednesday is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

The name's pretty much descriptive. Here are a few pirate dos and don'ts:

-Buckle all swashes
-Sing the Talk Like a Pirate Day Song: http://www.tomsmithonline.com/freestuff/oddio/TLAPD-Streaming064.mp3
-Pepper your conversation with expressions like "Yarrr!", "Arr", "Yo ho ho", and "Shiver me timbers".
-Wear a bandana (here be instructions fer all you landlubbers: http://gollan.pwaresearch.com/hp/bandana.html) or eyepatch
-Watch a piratical movie. "Pirates of the Caribbean" is all well and good, but I'd recommend the classics: "Captain Blood", "The Sea Hawk", "The Crimson Pirate", "Treasure Island".
-Enjoy your grog responsibly.
-Eat limes. Scurvy kills!

-Bury your treasure and forget where you put it.
-Pillage and plunder without permission.
-Necessitate the use of eyepatches through careless handling of sharp objects like cutlasses or hooks.
-Be embarrassed to talk like a pirate. The more people do it, the more fun you'll have.

More posts to come. Promise.


Leann said...

I love talk like a Pirate day me matey.

Gavin said...

I just saw the Sea Hawk a few weeks ago, it was awesome. :)

Good to see you're back online!