Sunday, February 24, 2008

**House Pictures**

It has occurred to me that no one has really seen the house except we occupants and #1 son. My daughter - because she has a wanderlust that exceeds even mine - has not seen it, nor has my Oregon family who I miss with an ache that is ever present.

The front of the house really couldn't be more plain, so I have avoided taking pictures of it. So here are a few pictures all from the backyard and featuring my favorite canine and my favorite kind of precipitation:


Leann said...

It looks gorgeous. I'm happy to hear you are settling in and making the house yours.

Thanks for the update!!

One of your friends in Oregon :-)

Gavin said...

Very nice. That's my favorite preciptation too.

Rosie said...

it looks so pretty! My favorite is the one of my favorite brother and the dog, though :)