Friday, August 14, 2009

**There is a reason why some things are free**

I was given the most delightful gift from #1 son this week - a Kindle.

I learned rather quickly that I live in a bubble - free of irritating electromagnetic waves that would allow me to take advantage of the wireless downloading of Kindle books. So I must either walk down the road about a 1/2 mile or take the Kindle to work and let stuff download there. So it won't be subscribing to the NY Times, but I have downloaded a bunch of "sample" chapters to try before buying the books.

I also learned that there are Kindle books available for free. So I grabbed a freebie - just to see if I like reading on this device (I do). Now I understand why the book was free - it was a Harlequin Romance. You get what you pay for. And now I am willing to pay. Next step: learning how to delete books off the Kindle.


Leann said...

I wondered if they were as good as they were advertised.

Someone on the cusp... said...

No my recommendation if you see one of these book is to run the other way.