Tuesday, December 18, 2007

**The Best Birthday Presents...**

Are the wonderful reminders that I have the best children, EVER>

First is the text message from down under from my daughter (courtesy of my niece's cell phone thank you very much)

Next is the PHONE CALL from Uluru in the center of Australia (aka the middle of NOWHERE). Yep, my daughter wishing me a happy birthday. That young lady is simply awesome. The pictures of her exploring Australia just make my heart sing.

Third is waking up the day after and picking up my son at the airport and bringing him home for the holidays. Wow, I missed him. He is all grown up and, ya know, I really like him. One of those kids that if he was someone else's child, I would be wishing secretly that I had a son like him. BUT I DO!

Three pretty flower bouquets in the house. Smile.

A good birthday all around.

In other news... the new house closes Thursday morning.

The day after Christmas.... packarama.

1 comment:

Leann said...

It's good to hear you have THE kids. Mine are the ones I was wishing I had others to replace them...LOLOLOL.....well, not really but you know what I mean.