Wednesday, October 25, 2006

**Another great weekend**

There is nothing quite like the luxury of a 5 day weekend. Friday involved a great hike discovering a new two hour hiking loop in the hills west of town. Saturday, we painted the garage in preparation for kayak winter storage and creating a space for woodworking tools. Sunday we took the kayaks out for one last foray paddling among Chinook salmon leaping out of the water in the rivers off the coast. Monday and Tuesday were more subdued, with me working on my conference presentation at the coast while S. was on call. Tuesday more of the same, but both days were interspersed with nice walks around the rural countryside.

Today my day is consumed with a doctor's appointment, hours of student appointments, and pre-debate preparation for our state representatives. I have been so busy, I helped schedule a public debate for our candidates only to realize last weekend that I would be out of town for the debate this Friday night.

Somewhere in this mess I have to get to the post office and order my new "smoking" computer. Apple just realized its MacBookPro 15 inch with the Intel dual core processor. And my name is on one of them. I love my current laptop as it has been with me everywhere for 5 years. But I can't use the newest versions of my editing software and I am constantly pushing the limits of the hard drive, albeit with pictures and music more than work related files.

So I have to do everything today before leaving for St. Louis tomorrow and a quick visit to a conference before coming home Friday night and another fun, albeit only two day weekend.


Leann said...

Ya know somewhere along the line you have to stop dangling this mystery honey in front of us and spill the beans........

Someone on the cusp... said...

Hey, what can I say. He is simply.

I am in love in a serious way.