This picture suggests there was much more snow than there really was. But snow or no snow, it was beautiful:
With poor skiing conditions you can imagine what the snow shoe trails were like. In fact this is a view from a hike I did with Cari, Tyler and Beth on one of the snow shoeing trails to Lost Lake. It looks more like a day to swim:
Here is another shot of Lost Lake:
A wrong turn occured somewhere on the trail. This photo was taken before we realized we were walking way farther than the map indicated. Thus everyone was still smiling.
Of course the warm weather means "you know what" may be emerging from hibernation. Thoughtfully, the Lost Lake rangers put up signs to help clarify the "right of way" that exists at trail crossing. Glad we are clear on that.
The pinot noir wine seemed to go over well. The camera really likes these three rocket scientists!
I am off to pick up #1 daughter from the train station tomorrow morning. A big yahoo is echoing through my otherwise empty house. The spring break decision: Hang low at the house and maybe snow shoe in the Cascades if enough snow materializes over the next couple of days... or... play at the coast... or ... major road trip to Death Valley to see the 100 year bloom on the desert floor.
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