My fondest memory of our mini family reunion was the deep and abiding bonding. Whistler can be a dangerous place, but everyone was completely committed to looking out for each other. Notice the lightening fast reaction of my family as I started to fall off a stunningly dangerous cliff. Ah, the bonds of family. And with a positive attitude to boot. Notice Miss Caroline even managed to strike a stunning smile in the midst of imminent danger....
The second photo is of our illustrious trip coordinator and organizer of all things fun. She asked us to take this picture to secure evidence that she did, indeed sail across the deep mountain valleys suspended only by a 1/2 inch cable. We who were with her, know the truth.... she wanted a picture of the cute guy standing behind her shoulder....
Finally, there is the documentary evidence of the moment my zip trekking son embraced Rapture. Yes, he presented himself to the One, the Only, in a position of pure supplication before the eyes of the Lord. And yet, he was mercilessly pelted with snowballs as he landed. No rapture for you buddy.
Ahh, Whistler... where you can find snow, find God, and even find a wide range of nicely scented foot lotion. Possibly a contemporary Garden of Eden.
Nice pictures, mom. I think the reason for the speed with which everyone rushed to save you from your impending doom may have been related to the frequency with which certain death presented itself to you at Whistler. I wish I could go with you this year--while you are expertyl carving down the hill, think of me furiously scribbling down benzene rings on my organic chemistry exam.
Organic chemistry sucks. Come with us to Whistler!
Seriously. I gaurantee you that in 5 years from now, you won't even remember your grade in orgo chem. Actually, its possible that in 5 years from now, you won't even remember the class.
Sarah and I are such bad influences.
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