Friday, July 31, 2009

**yo, summer!**

Where are you, for Pete's sake? I am no hot weather fan, but we have yet to hit more than 82 degrees here this summer. I love the cool temps, but it has been coupled with an AMAZING amount of rain. I am watching it come down steadily as a write. It is reminiscent of living in Central America. All this cool weather gave us a bumper crop of snap peas and a long lettuce season, but the squash plants are barely growing, we pulled all the tomatoes and potatoes (thank you late blight). Everything green is growing like crazy (think jungle), but there is not enough sunshine to produce fruit.

I have kayaked three times this summer, the two most recent this past week on the two sunny days we have had in a long time. We have sunny weather predicted for Saturday, so a long bike ride is in order. Taking Monday off work to kayak again. School begins sooner than ever this year. The summer (the one I was supposed to have off, but didn't really have off) is almost over.

The upside of the rainy weather is that I managed to read a book. No small feat given the hectic summer. It was an interesting waltz through a Title IX lawsuit at a small liberal arts college. Being familiar with Title IX and some of the players in this story; it made for interesting reading. Now I am diving into the Accidental Time Machine - pure brain candy. Having only read a few other nonfiction books (plus a weekly dose of Newsweek, monthly dose of Outside, and more Internet new sites than I care to reveal) this year, I am laying claim to the most poorly read person I know. Must find a way to put up that "Good Reads" feature on the blog - maybe that will get me reading.....


Leann said...

Ah you are missing the hottest summer here in Oregon since '95'. triple digit temps and a long lack of rain. We have a 20% chance this next week, but does not look all that promising. Lots of outdoor weather opportunities.

Are you ready to move back yet? :-)

Someone on the cusp... said...

Not with that kind of weather. If I had been there this summer I would be thinking about moving. Keep it below 80 degrees and I am ok.