Okay, so this image would suggest that the trees have not yet leafed out. I concede they haven't, but there are buds on bushes and daffodils are blooming. I am told the trees do leaf out before they turn fall colors.
We are in the process of building a garden. Of course that first meant tearing down the ratty mess of a fence left from the previous owners. It was functional, but an eyesore (see above shot) when trying to look at our serene landscape out the picture window with G&T's in our hands (see above shot and imagine a G&T in it). Of course the garden was home to an established planting of rhubarb... oh and a very established planting of WEEDS. Weeds by the way grow well, even in soil composed largely of the contents of the wheelbarrow below:

It did not take long to give up on the ideal of using local soil. We are putting up the beds I took from Oregon and filling them with lots of compost from a guy who stopped by our house looking for directions and just happened to have with him a truckload of shit.

Note: The dog is not there willingly, but did acknowledge that S.'s lap was an improvement over when I made her ride in the cart.
They hand outJohn Deer stuff like candy here in the big city of Houston. Will send you some...
It's so pretty...I can't wait to actually be there!
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