Sunday, April 13, 2008

**Heard it on the radio**

In one of my classes, students do a mock oral argument before a mock Supreme Court. The case we just completed was an invasion of privacy suit against Playgirl magazine. The suit was filed by Jose Solano, who played a lifeguard named Manny on the show, Baywatch. The cover of Playgirl showed him in his Baywatch swim trunks. The text on the cover suggested he was nude inside.

He wasn't.

Solano, was/is apparently quite religious, and wanted to protect his image as a role model for Hispanic youth. Notable aspirations, albeit somewhat diluted when I imagine him testifying in those swim trunks.

That aside, I was amused by a recent story about how Hugo Chavez banned the Simpsons from Venezuelan television because he felt it wasn't the best program for children's moral development. In a move that will help you understand why I am writing this entry, Chavez replaced the Simpsons with......

1 comment:

Leann said...

Perhaps the morals are different where he comes from? LOL

After all the U.S. is one of the, if not THE most prudish nation on earth.