Tuesday, May 30, 2006

**Summer Break: Day One**

Today was a pretty day. High 70's. Sunny. I spent most of it at work trying to make progress on several projects that need to be wrapped up before the end of June. I did get home about 4 PM, cut the grass and worked on taming the beds in the front yard (in part out of guilt from my neighbor ragging on me to clean up the beds). I can't believe at my age I can still be motivated by guilt. And nonfamily generated guilt to boot! It is more like keeping-up-with-the-Joneses guilt. But not self-induced.

I sent this observation to a dear, sweet friend of mine as I described my day:

Silly though, even cutting the grass and digging weeds can be pleasant and even contemplative - in spite of it smacking of suburbia. I think it is because I feel like I have accomplished something when there is dirt under my nails. Now how feminine is that? I probably should have read more magazines like Seventeen when I was younger.

A manicure would be totally wasted on me.

Tomorrow is another full day of work. Probably more of the same for Thursday. Friday morning, I hit the salon to mask all the grey caused by the birth of my daughter;).

Yes, dirt under my nails is ok, but grey roots are unacceptable, especially because I want to look my very best when I go sea kayaking Saturday. Doesn't everyone?

Looking ahead, I have 3-4 days of horsecamping awaiting me next week. Not a bad start to summer if you ask me.

My apologies to those of you working.



Leann said...

Ya, I can feel the empathy there!

Horsecamping??!! *sigh* I'm definetly in the wrong place.
Ya, I can horseback ride here, ya, but I'm sure it would be much more fun with you..LOL

Suburbia....ahhh...the guilt of the jonses. I'm sure you're a pretty picture with dirt under your nails....kinda like me :-) Seventeen and cosmo and all that is definetly lost on me.

Dirt = o.k.....grey roots = NO WAY

Someone on the cusp... said...

Hah! We must have been sisters in a previous life!