Every since the kids have fled, the canine of the house has decided that the life long rules of not getting on the furniture no longer apply. I come home to dog hair on the sofa chair, and "nests" on the futon and bed.
My celestial futon cover is shredded from "nest building."

And yet I have noticed that I am not so consistent about telling her to get off the furniture - which she is on as I write.
And for some reason, I am not waking up at night when she jumps on my bed, noses her way under the covers and curls up like this in the curve of my stomach. I awake spooning a dog.

I need a life.
Such adorable photos!
But you have to admit, she's pretty cute company for being under the covers!
Right after Apache hurt her leg, she suddenly decided that sleeping on the bed shouldn't be a once in a blue moon thing (she usually preferred the tile) but an every night thing. Usually she stays at the bottom corner of my bed, so I don't really care. But, if I sleep in to late (like this morning) she likes to rest her entire 60 pound body right over my stomach until I wake up and pet her.
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