Friday, September 02, 2005

**Bit by the hand that feeds ya**

Here is a link to the transcript of the New Orlean's mayor who is peeling away the layers of bullshit that is mishaping the reality of the tragedy in the fallen city. If you can listen to the sound file that also is available on the CNN page. Then you can hear the deep frustration in this man's voice. That alone would have been enough to make me mad as hell. But then a colleague brought in a transcript from the most recent Bill O'Reilly show. Check it out and get mad. O'Reilly insinuated that those who stayed behind did so so they could loot the city.

Here is how the coversation went on the Sept. 1 show:

O'REILLY: Well, you know, what I - from what I'm hearing, this looting was fairly - you know, it's not an organized thisn like organized crime. But these people didn't want to leave.

SHEP SMITH: It's wide spread, Bill.

O'REILLY: Right. But they didn't want to leave because they sensed there might have been an opportunity to do what they eventually did, if they stayed behind knowing."

Racist chump he is.

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