This happens to me every summer, typically sometime in July, when I realize that I could be perfectly happy never teaching another class and just continuing my career in a continuous state of summer break. The campus is truly its most lovely when there are no students. I am almost schizophrenic in the way I think about work and careers, moving lightning fast between ambition and whatever constitutes its opposite. So, while I am very jazzed to start law school in a year, it is agonizing to think about preparing my fall syllabi. Instead I think about Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado, British Columbia and Alberta and all the places I could wander instead of updating computer operating systems for my video editing suites.
In 3.5 weeks, I put my daughter on a plane to Ecuador for 8 months and trek with my son back east to drop him off at college. I rented his room to a student for the semester, but she is so busy, I don't imagine her being around too much. For the most part it will be just me and the dog who spends most her days like this:

On the other hand, say the word "treat" and:

I certainly understand your restlessness. I get like that also. The trip to Alaska and the recent camping trip have helped t/curb that need to travel. It will kick in again prior to september I'm sure.
The dog is very cute! Daughter to student?
Is that a beer bottle I see by the dog?? hmmm.... LOL
Hah!, Yes it is a beer bottle. I contemplated cropping it out, but Shiloh really enjoyed that beer:)
Yes, daughter to Ecuador to attend the University of San Francisco. She will be starting her junior year of college.
How's the packing?
Packing.....?? I'm suppose to be packing?? LOL....does that tell you anythng?
O.K. girl, time to post again!! I'll be in the valley this weekend. Where are you? Would love to meet you.
I am around on Sunday, but have A. visiting. Send me an email and we can talk privately. I will post when I get some privacy:)
You've got some very interesting things going on! One of my dream jobs is to teach, I hope to read more about that on your blog in the upcoming months. Daughter going to Ecuador. Son in college. Renting a room. Sounds like you've got a full plate.
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