Friday, May 06, 2005

**Apocalypse of a Republican kind**

Recently, NBC has been airing a mini-series called Revelations. It is about the end of the world as told through the book of revelations.

Now in spite of the fact that I once led a pre-college youth group for a church, I have not read the entire Bible, nor have I studied any section of it in depth. My knowledge of biblical scripture comes from three areas:

I at some point memorized Psalm 27 (The Lord is my shepherd...),

I have watched and listened to, countless times, Jesus Christ Superstar, and

I love Bill Cosby's version of Noah's Ark.

Yep that's it.

But there was one line in this mini series that caught my attention as I tuned into it on and off, It was a comment that after the Rapture, Satan as manifested on earth would not appear as we typically expect - the concrete embodiment of evil - but as deceptively alluring and appealing... to those who have not accepted Christ as their personal savior. Since this is ultimately a political analysis, let me substitute the reference to those "saved" for those stupid ignorant masses.

Upon hearing that line in the mini series, I had one of the moments that I would equate with the kinds of moments those born-again types say they have when they "accept" Jesus in their lives.

Yes it was a moment of crystal clear clarity,

my own revelation,

my own born again moment...

THE APOCALYPSE ALREADY HAS HAPPENED! - the day Bush was appointed in 2000. Bush is Satan on earth. It explains everything. Why else would the ignorant masses continue to be entranced by his beady little close set eyes?

For anecdotal support, let's just take a stroll through today's NY Times headlines....

North Korea... run by a certified nut, is starting nuclear testing. We are monitoring it by satellite, while we continue to pummel Iraq looking for.... what? Nada. We already caught Hussein, another mass murder and nut case and arguably the only justifiable reason for being involved in the affairs of a sovereign nation.

The two largest US auto manufacturers bonds have been reduced to junk status. Try and find a mutual fund that doesn't have something in these companies (save the green funds) and watch our retirements continue to evaporate.

Darwin is on trial in Kansas. Again. Now it involves the effort to introduce ON EQUAL SCIENTIFIC FOOTING the delightfully "spun" concept of intelligent design and a new requirement that evolution be challenged as valid science. Kanasa could use a good tornado enema of wrath of god proportions. I think that what is behind this is that Kansas is working subtlely to supplant Ohio as the future designated dirty bomb testing site. My personal position is that now that one can get a Starbucks latte on the I-90 turnpike in OH, we should give it to Kansas, Nebraska is a prettier state to cross anyway. The cornfields just seem nicer in Nebraska.

Other items: Bush is empowering funding starved states to take control over the ability to roll back road restrictions in our precious pristine national forests. Gee I wonder what will happen when Weyhauser shows up with a check for logging rights.

And if there was any doubt about the dark days ahead....

The Red Sox won the world series and the Yankees are in last place this season. Does nothing make sense anymore?

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