Unfinished Life has obtained heretofore unpublished photos of a final contender for the anchor seat, next to a co-anchor destined to be the next Katie Couric. But that is another story.
Shiloh made her broadcast review with style. She was controlled and professional:
Until.... without warning...a story on feline dysentary. Shiloh tried to leap over the desk. Swine felines.
She blew her chance for fame. But.. fortunately Shiloh's manager had secured a two year contract and while the network could pull her off the air, they had to pay her nonetheless.
So they put her on the studio cam. Let's just say... it didn't work out for physical limitations that did not fall under ADA protection.
Undaunted and a little desperate, executive producer had an idea. To justify this multi-million dollar contract, Shiloh was moved into master control to work as technical director.
It worked... for awhile... until she put up a graphic of a dog biscuit during the announcement of the new FDA food guidelines. Bad Shiloh!
Shiloh was escorted from the premises. The executive producer was sacked. Lawyers are involved. It is very ugly.
I see three scenarios for all these awesome blog updates:
1. Suddenly your life has gotten that much more interesting (somehow I think that you resorted to taking pictures of your dog in a studio, this isn't likely).
2. You have run out of other stuff to do to.
3. You are massively procrastinating.
I am voting for 3.
:) very nice, mom. Shiloh is amazing, but I was wondering how much food you had to bribe her with to get her to pose...and what were you just telling me about your massive to-do list that never gets completed? The reasons are becoming quite clear ;)
a fraction of an oatmeal cookie.
A bargain basement bribe.
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