Much of the summer was spent kayaking, hiking, and playing with my new "friend." We even wandered back east to see my family. Yes, he agreed to this - a big step for someone who is normally shy and who has never been to the east coast. Add to that the challenge of meeting my extended family - notably full of energy that is often focused in several directions at once . My family can be formidible for anyone not willing to dive into the banter and chaos.
But a trooper he is. He has confessed that he is even "fond" of several of my siblings. Go figure. So am I.
But once returning to the west, school kicked in and it is a constant battle to keep my head above water. It doesn't help that I am trying had to keep weekends free - even expanded to include a Friday when possible.
Two weekends ago, I managed a 4 day kayak trip and last weekend included a three day horsecamping trip. this weekend is a wedding (not mine) and kayaking. October is full of work related travel, but this January we are off to spend three weeks in Death Valley. This will be a real test. Close living quarters, no bathroom, water rationing. All new for this suburban girl.
Here are a couple pix from the 4 day kayak. It was great. Remote as can be at a primitive camp area in a wildlife refuge. Saw a bald eagles and osprey and were awaken in the middle of the night by a chorus of coyotes surrounding us.

Rock climbing in the hills

Dog guarding kayaks. Don't want those osprey carrying off our boats. Good dog, Shiloh!

Halfway through a 17 mile kayak - which by the way was a tad tiring. Everything Murphy's law said about headwinds... is true.

Sunrise over coyote hills.